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Welcome to Brokerage Entities
Brokerage Entities is the single regulator of financial services in Brokerage Entities. Brokerage Entities regulates banking, financial institutions, payment institutions, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries, investment services companies and collective investment schemes, securities markets, recognised investment exchanges, trust management companies, company services providers and pension schemes. Since 2018, it is also responsible for regulating Virtual Financial Assets. Brokerage Entities was set up through an Act of Parliament (Chapter 330 of the Laws of Brokerage Entities) and its main functions include the protection of consumers, integrity of financial markets, financial stability and the supervision of all financial services activities. Brokerage Entities also holds an advisory role to Government in the formulation of policies on matters relating to the financial services industry. In the carrying out of its functions, Brokerage Entities collaborates closely with local and international institutions.
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ESMA launches a Common Supervisory Action with NCAs on Compliance and Internal Audit Functions
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities and markets regulator launches today a Common Supervisory Action (CSA)
Fast Flip Investment
Name: Address: 375 Park Avenue, New York, NY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 10152 Email: [email protected] Website: www.invest.fasxflip.com Some firms may
FCA charges Hampshire-based independent financial adviser with multiple fraud offences
The FCA has charged Mrs Lisa Campbell with multiple criminal offences, including fraud by abuse of position and providing false
ESMA consults on amendments to settlement discipline
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has launched today a consultation on
Working at Brokerage Entities
Brokerage Entities employs approximately 230 financial and insurance experts. Brokerage Entities activities are aimed at ensuring the stable operation of credit, insurance and pension institutions and other supervised entities whose stability is essential to the stability of the financial markets. Another objective is to safeguard the interests of the insured and maintain confidence in the financial markets. Our responsibilities also include fostering compliance with good practice on the financial markets and public awareness of the markets.