Consumer Rights & Duties

On this page, consumers can find out about their rights and duties with banking, insurance, investments, and financial advice, and how to complain or avoid scams.

What are my rights?

If you are not satisfied with the service provided to you, you can:

  • Speak with your financial services provider to try to solve the situation;
  • Obtain advice from an independent source to identify the best course of action in your circumstances;
  • Complain with your financial services provider;
Account Information and Payment Initiation Services

The Payment Services Directive 2 identifies two types of payment providers that do not hold customer payment accounts which are Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISP) and Account Information Service Providers (AISP).

Payment Services

A payment transaction can only be considered to be authorized if you have given your consent to execute such a transaction. The way such consent is to be given has to be agreed upon in the contract between you and the payment provider.

Unauthorized Payments

Money can only be taken from your account if you have authorized the transaction. If you notice a payment out of your account which you did not authorize, you should contact your Bank immediately and claim a refund.

Debit and Credit Cards

You must keep your payment instruments (such as debit, credit card, and electronic key) in a safe place and notify the payment service provider when becoming aware of their loss, theft, misappropriation, or of its unauthorized use.