Post: ASIC suspends Australasia Wealth Services and Management’s AFS licence

ASIC has suspended the Australian financial services (AFS) licence of Sydney-based financial services provider Australasia Wealth Services Management Pty Ltd (AWSM) until 25 June 2019.

AWSM had breached its financial reporting and audit obligations and the requirement to obtain membership of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AWSM’s licence suspension took effect from 27 March 2019. ASIC will consider whether to cancel the licence if, at the end of the suspension period, AWSM is unable to demonstrate that it has complied with its obligations as an AFS licence holder.

AWSM has since obtained AFCA membership. However, it is yet to fulfil the financial reporting and audit obligations.

Licensees need to be aware that failure to meet obligations such as membership of AFCA and lodging annual financial reports and audit statements are serious breaches of the law. ASIC will take action where it finds licensees are failing to comply with the law.

AWSM also held an Australian credit licence (ACL), which has been cancelled effective from 27 March 2019, for failure to maintain competence to undertake the credit activities it was licenced for and for not complying with credit legislation.

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