ASIC is seeking feedback on proposals to remake ‘sunsetting’ class orders that impose financial resource requirements on the managed funds industry.
Consultation Paper 367 Remaking ASIC class orders on financial requirements: [CO 13/760], [CO 13/761] and ASIC Instrument 2022/449 (CP 367) sets out ASIC’s proposals on:
Class Order [CO 13/760] Financial requirements for responsible entities and operators of investor directed portfolio services ([CO 13/760]);
Class Order [CO 13/761] Financial requirements for custodial or depository service providers ([CO 13/761]); and
ASIC Corporations (Financial Requirements for Corporate Directors of Retail Corporate Collective Investment Vehicles) Instrument 2022/449 (Instrument 2022/449).
These class orders set out the financial resource requirements that responsible entities, IDPS operators, custodians and corporate directors must meet as an Australian financial services (AFS) licensee.
Under the Legislation Act 2003, [CO 13/760] and [CO 13/761] will expire (‘sunset’) on 1 October 2023 and Instrument 2022/449 will sunset on 1 October 2024 if not remade.
ASIC considers that the class orders are operating effectively and efficiently and continue to form a necessary and useful part of the legislative framework. The fundamental policy principles that underpin the class orders have not changed.
ASIC invites submissions from stakeholders on proposals to:
remake, with minor changes to incorporate the corporate director of a retail corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV), [CO 13/760] and ASIC Instrument 2022/449;
remake, with minor simplifications and no substantive changes [CO 13/761].
Submissions on CP 367 are due on 31 March 2023.