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Online publishing company and former director found liable for misleading and deceptive statements about mimicking the Future Fund

The Federal Court of Australia has found an AFSL holder and its former director made misleading and deceptive statements about an investment strategy targeting retired investors and investors approaching retirement, said to mimic the performance of the Australian Government’s Future Fund. Port Phillip Publishing Pty Ltd (PPP) and its former director, Kristan Sayce, reached agreement …

Online publishing company and former director found liable for misleading and deceptive statements about mimicking the Future Fund Read More »

ASIC research highlights the importance of reforms for mortgage brokers and home lending

Today ASIC has released a report Looking for a mortgage: Consumer experiences and expectations in getting a home loan. As part of this research, ASIC followed over 300 consumers in the process of taking out a home loan and surveyed another 2,000 consumers. This research examines consumer decision-making in relation to home loans to identify …

ASIC research highlights the importance of reforms for mortgage brokers and home lending Read More »

ASIC proposes ban on the sale of binary options to retail clients, and restrictions on the sale of CFDs

ASIC has released a consultation paper Product intervention: OTC binary options and CFDs (CP 322) on proposals to use its product intervention power to address significant detriment to retail clients resulting from over-the-counter (OTC) binary options and CFDs. A binary option is an ‘all or nothing’ bet on the outcome of an event. A CFD …

ASIC proposes ban on the sale of binary options to retail clients, and restrictions on the sale of CFDs Read More »

Finclear Execution pays $70,000 infringement notice

Finclear Execution Limited (Finclear) has paid a penalty of $70,000 to comply with an infringement notice given by the Markets Disciplinary Panel (the MDP). The MDP had reasonable grounds to believe that Finclear contravened the market integrity rules in relation to a pre-arranged crossing in April 2018 for an on-market buy-back by a company listed …

Finclear Execution pays $70,000 infringement notice Read More »

Review upholds Australian equity market’s record for cleanliness

A recent review by ASIC found Australian equity markets continue to operate with a high degree of integrity. Report 623 Review of Australian equity market cleanliness: 1 November 2015 to 31 October 2018 examines market cleanliness for the period, with a focus on insider trading and information leaks ahead of material market announcements. It extends …

Review upholds Australian equity market’s record for cleanliness Read More »

ASIC implements pause on admission of managed funds with internal market makers

ASIC has requested that exchange market operators do not admit any managed funds that do not disclose their portfolio holdings daily and have internal market makers while it undertakes a review during the remainder of this calendar year. Internal market making occurs when a managed fund’s responsible entity acts as the market maker for its …

ASIC implements pause on admission of managed funds with internal market makers Read More »