
The Brokerage Entities is the competent authority in Investments Markets responsible for granting authorization to persons seeking to carry out financial services activities. Authorisation is an important part of the overall supervisory framework.

The authorization process of entities seeking to enter the financial services industry is a key function of the Brokerage Entities Authority (BE) in its gatekeeper role.

The objective of the assessment of an application for authorization is to ensure that criteria detailed under the respective financial services legislation are satisfied at the authorization stage and continue to be fulfilled on an ongoing basis.

The Brokerage Entities is committed to providing a clear and objective authorization process while ensuring a thorough assessment of the applicable regulatory standards. The Authority is sensitive to the importance of efficient turnarounds and seeks to process each application as expeditiously as possible. In doing so, it retains rigorous assessment standards throughout its role to provide an effective gatekeeper function. The Authority applies a thorough and high-quality analysis of applicant submissions and engages extensively with relevant stakeholders. The aim is to ensure that the process is facilitative and transparent for the applicants concerning the requirements, processes, and timelines.