Post: ESMA consults on commodity derivatives under MiFID review

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, is launching today a public consultation on proposed changes to the rules for position management controls and position reporting. The changes come in the context of the review of the Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and aim to minimise the burden on reporting entities.

ESMA is consulting on changes to the technical standards (RTS) on position management controls, the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on position reporting, and on position reporting in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU).

Detailed feedback is welcomed on the proposed changes, particularly concerning the extension of position management controls to emission allowances derivatives; the exclusion of emission allowances from position reporting; and the introduction of one weekly position report (excluding options) in addition to the existing one (combining futures and options).

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