Unauthorised firm – JP Holdings LTD (clone)
Address: 60 Sackville St, Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM, M1 3WE
Telephone: +4 4 161 354 3528, 84901375837, +4 41205716325, +8 5265665231, +1 5267538365
Email: [email protected],
Website: www.jpholdings.uk
Other Information: Please note that this bogus entity has no association whatsoever with the FCA firm named JH&P Holdings (XXJ01048). Scammers are falsely claiming the name and FCA number of JH&P Holdings. Please note that this bogus entity has no association whatsoever with the UK registered company JP (Holdings) Limited (CRN 02713632).
Be aware that some firms may give out other details or change their contact details over time to new email addresses, telephone numbers or physical addresses.